It’s the bottom of the 6th inning and my son is in pitching. I get nervous, I need to focus, and small talk is not an option right now. The moms around me who have been pacing and cheering throughout the game know how I feel and they’re not starting any conversations. I like to chit chat as much as anyone…but not now.
No one understands this better than sports parents. No, I’m not being rude and ignoring you. I just can’t hold a conversation while my kid is in a clutch situation on the field. My fellow baseball moms understand this and they’re right there with me.
I don’t know if it’s the anxiety and intense energy we feel when we’re watching our kids play or not, but through this bonding, I’ve made some really good friends. Sometimes we don’t even sit together or talk much during the games. But I know that afterwards, especially if we win, we’re all going somewhere together for some good food and maybe even a few beers.
Friends with whom you have a common interest are the best. I love knowing that over my weekend, I will be with people who feel the same way I do. Nervousness followed by excitement, followed by more nervousness, followed by elation, or maybe followed by disappointment. Â Watching our kids succeed and fail together bonds us, and we become like a family.
Some of the moms have been with me for six years now. We know a lot about each other and their kids are dear to me. I even love the siblings who have been there for years of games with us.
I know things about their jobs, their extended families, their homes, their vacations, and their hobbies. And they know about mine. Our kids hang out together all year long and we are at practices together, the beach together, parties together, and that trampoline place the kids always want to go to…all together.
Being part of this wonderful world has enriched my life so much. I wouldn’t trade the years of missed vacations and early mornings for anything, and neither would they. Thanks baseball moms, for being there to share these awesome experiences with me. 🙂
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