Baseball and Halloween go together, right? I mean baseball worms it way into every other part of our lives, so why not Halloween too? Here are some fun ways to incorporate baseball and softball into your Halloween festivities. You may want to get some of these pumpkin carving tool kits to make it easier, especially if you want to do any fancy skin carving.
Pumpkin Eating a Softball
This doesn’t look that hard and the payoff is big. This is the one I’m going to try. Of course you can use a baseball instead if you prefer. The teeth might be a challenge, but I’m up for it.
Baseball Threads Pumpkin
If you look closely, you can see that they actually threaded this pumpkin. I’m not exactly sure how they did it, but I’m guessing they cut a hole in the back and cleaned it out. Next they drew the holes on and then poked the holes with an awl or a nail. Then they used a big needle to stitch the threads with yarn. This is a project for a meticulous person, but it’s super, super cool.
Softball Glove Pumpkin
There is some painting involved here but if you can pull this off, you will make people really jealous with your craftiness. Again, a baseball can be substituted for the softball.
Painted Baseball Pumpkin
This idea, courtesy of The Magic Brush website, looks pretty easy and very fun. The hardest part is finding a large, white pumpkin, but all you need is some stain and some red & black markers. She gives full instructions and has a video here. Check out some of her other pumpkin decorating ideas at themagicbrushinc.com.
Baseball Player Pumpkin
This one is adorable and is another fairly easy project to incorporate baseball into your holiday. This is a great one for the kids to do.
Catcher Pumpkin
This one is awesome, but you have to be good at carving the skin off. If you draw it on first, it probably wouldn’t be that hard and maybe you could practice first on another pumpkin to get the technique down. How cool would this be if you had your favorite catcher’s number on it?
Baseball in the Eye Pumpkin
Probably the easiest of the bunch, this jack-o-lantern can be done in a few minutes. I love how they incorporated the seeds as tears. Cute!
Softball Pumpkin
If you like to paint, this is a great pumpkin project. There’s also a similar one (posted below) with a cut out mouth, that they inserted a broken bat into.
Baseball Pumpkins
These centerpiece pumpkins are spray painted white, then red stitches are added with acrylic paint. Top off with raffia and ribbon in your team colors.
White Painted Baseball Table Pumpkin
This one is just really pretty. I may try to do this one because I would rather paint than have to dig out the inside of the pumpkin. There is some shadowing involved, but luckily Megan from LifeInLeftField.com lays it all out for you on her website and shows you exactly how to do it.
Check out my Pinterest page: Baseball and Softball Halloween Stuff for more baseball jack-o-lantern ideas and baseball and softball costumes.
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