These funny tee ball photos and funny baseball kid pics are sure to make your day. Sometimes it’s the faces they make and sometimes it’s just what they’re doing that’s hilarious, but we should definitely take the time to relish in the joy of the game, and how funny kids can be!
I bet he won’t drink so much before the next game
Prepped and ready!
Gotta appreciate a great hit.
“What am I supposed to do with this?”
“OMG, OMG, OMG, I got a ball.”
Ummm…you’re doing it wrong.
Practicing my umpire stance.
“Not Fair!”
“I got it!” “No, I got it!” “No, I got it…”
“I’m having the best time ever!”
The little girl in pink’s like, “I got this.” And, what’s the girl at the bottom thinking about?
“I like dirt!”
Just a little inside.
“I found a clover, what did you find?”
This is not gonna end well.
Dude, I think you need a bigger size.
“Okay everyone make mud angels!”
“Is this almost over yet?”
“I’m not having ANY fun.”I think you’re supposed to keep your eyes OPEN.
Is that kid back there taking a nap?“Coach, I think I need to come out.”
“I’m just gonna stand over here ALL DAY!”
“Of course I’m not afraid of the ball.”
Mom: “Can we retake this photo? His hands were wrong.”
“Excuse me, could you just move your elbow a little to the left?”
“That foul ball was MINE!”
Wait, where’s she going?
That’s gonna leave a mark.
“Look how limber I am!”
“This is my ‘win’ face.”
“Baseball is SOOOOOO boring.”
I’m gonna say she’s out…
“Hold up, I just need to Snapchat this.”
His mom’s gonna be so proud
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