As my youngest son begins his high school career, and my eldest is a senior, I’ve been thinking a lot about the journey we’ve had through the baseball seasons and I wanted to write this letter to my boys to let them know how I feel about this awesome road we’ve been on.
Dear Boys,
Thank you for making me wake up at the crack of dawn almost every weekend for the last 14 years. And, thanks so much for making me call you three times to get up. Thanks for the nights I spent standing at the washing machine scrubbing the knees of your baseball pants so they would be clean for the next day’s game.
Thanks so much for the rushed 9:00 dinners after practice when I was already exhausted from a full day of working. Thank you for the thousands of dollars I spent on tournaments, league fees, uniforms, equipment, pitching lessons, batting lessons…should I go on?
Thank you for forgetting your cleats and making me drive home to get them, or rush to go buy you a new pair. And thanks a lot for taking them off on the drive home and exposing your stinky feet with the windows rolled up.
Thanks a lot for the long two-hour drives to and from tournaments that at times, you only had one game and one at bat. Thanks for all of the dirt I breathed in at the games, and you got all over the inside of my car.
Thank you so much for listening to me coach you when I know you didn’t want to hear it. I appreciate that you shared with me what happened the times you struck out or made an error and it wasn’t your fault.
Thanks for the nervous stomach I had at almost all of your games so I had to pace around and bite my nails. Thanks tons for making me worry when you got hit by pitches while I waited to see if you were okay.
Thank you so very much for the weight I gained because I ate drive-thru and snack bar food with you because I didn’t have time to cook or pack healthier food.
Boys, thank you for the giant collection of awesome photos that I will treasure and enjoy while I look back on the great times I had watching you. Thank you to the moon for the wonderful friends we’ve made that we’ll have forever.
Thank you for the awesome baseball tournament vacations that allowed us to spend precious time together with good friends and great competition, and that have given us a lifetime of great memories.
Thank you so much for the hugs after the games and for thanking me for my efforts. That means a lot to me. Thanks, thanks, thanks for the conversations we were able to have to and from all those practices, games, and tournaments.
Thanks my boys, for giving me the best baseball games to watch, EVER. Thank you for letting me see you compete, show sportsmanship, excel, and grow into the fine young men that you are today.
Even with the hard stuff, being so tired, and spending all my money, I wouldn’t trade one second of this baseball life we’ve had together. (Well, maybe the stinky feet)

Wow, interesting letter.The coach is showing how happy he is to see his boys growing and doing great.I like the way he is telling his boys that his weight has increased due to the food he was eating while he was with them. Coach is like a teacher and he becomes happy when his students do well in the lessons he taught them( teacher) it is the case of the coach.
I like this letter
Thanks Julienne. This letter is actually from me to my boys but you know what? It could be from a coach to his or her players as well. I know that the coaches we have had loved my boys like their own and coaching them was much like being their parents. Thanks for your thoughts. 🙂
Oh my goodness, I CAN SO RELATE!!! We have 3 girls. 2 were in band, another 2 in track, 1 in cross country. 1 in basketball & AAU. And my husband worked out of town a lot! Proud to say I did not miss out on much. Saw one daughter break the schools long jump record. And another daughter held the most trophies for her basketball skills/accomplishments.
Believe e when I tell you, I still kinda, sorta, miss it! LOL
PS: I have a daughter that could clear out the girls locker room with her feet!!! hahahaha
Thanks for sharing a bit of your life with me,Laura
LOL, thanks Laura. I know I’m going to miss it so much when it ends I’m just holding onto every little moment. 🙂
Wow…that is an amazing letter. Brought tears to my eyes, as I have been through this will all 4 of my kids. Still going through with it with the younger one.
I remember 4 am hockey practices, not fun for me, but my son enjoyed them. So grab a hot coffee to keep my hands warm and we were on the go. I don’t how I got through those days.
Yet still going through them now. The child getting hurt was the worse as my youngest sprained her ankle in basketball, it was so sad to watch her watch her teammates play while she had to sit out.
Great letter.
Thank you so much. Isn’t motherhood the best? 😀
This is a really good idea and keepsake. Your sons can look back and reinforce their memories of these wonderful times.
Lovely letter and wonderfully written.
At first I was wondering where you were going with the letter and then by the middle I knew.
You must be so proud of your now young men and without you they would not have succeeded as much as they have.
Thank you for sharing and well done for all your efforts, love and dedication it must have taken over those years.
Wishing you all the very best
Thanks so much Jennifer! 🙂
Honestly I do not have any sons, I have a daughter, so I do understand the love that went into your letter to your boys.
I think this is one of the sweetest letters I have read, and I like how you got to how much all the hard work of being an active parent is what brought you closer to your sons and built a stronger relationships with them.
I am glad I read this because even though I do not have sons, this just reminds me of all the things that have brought my daughter and I closer over the years.
This should inspire all moms!
Thanks Stacie. I think this letter can apply to all parents because we all put in our time and effort out of love. <3 🙂