Now, I’m not saying you don’t want to be there, but spending too many hours around your kid’s baseball can have it’s consequences. Here are the signs that it could be a little too much.
1. Your car is filthy on the outside and looks like a tornado went through the inside.
My car hasn’t been washed since February and it’s now April, but hey…who’s counting?

2. You have dreams (or possibly nightmares) of GameChanger scores.
I guess it’s better than the dream where you’re naked in front of people on stage. You don’t have that one? Oh, me either.

3. Suddenly, you notice that the roots of your hair look like a landing strip.
You could always go back to your original color right? Ummm, no.

4. You still have Christmas lights on the outside (and maybe inside) of your house.
On the plus side, you won’t have to put them up again for this Christmas.

5. Your phone is so full, that you can't take any more photos or videos at the games.
I hate this message, don’t you?

6. Your refrigerator is stocked with Gatorade, but you don't have any food.
If we could live on Gatorade, we’d be set!

7. There are baseballs literally everywhere.
I seriously found a baseball in my toilet once.

8. You can't remember the last time your family ate a vegetable.
If only Gatorade was a vegetable.

9. You have tan lines on your feet that you're pretty sure are permanent.
Even sunscreen won’t save you from the long hours your feet are exposed at a 3-day baseball tournament. We’ve all had these lines and mine are still there from last summer.

10. Your grass is so unruly that your neighbors are starting to look at you funny.
When small children are afraid to come in your yard, you’ve probably been at the ball field too much.

11. Your lower back feels like you just helped someone move.
Bleachers are not kind to your back and neither is all of the standing you do when things get intense. I have parent friends who have been with our team for six years and they still don’t have bleacher chairs. How do they do it?

12. All of your furniture is covered with a layer of dust and possibly field clay.
I have plenty of time to dust. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Okay, so maybe the picture is an exaggeration.

13. You have a pile of mail that you swear must be someone else's.
Hey, you’ll get to it eventually, and that’s what Autopay is for.

14. Your dog doesn't recognize you at first when you walk in.
Poor Sparky. Why can’t they allow dogs at all the fields?

15. Your friends stop inviting you to stuff because you never come anyway.
Remember when you used to go to cookouts back in the olden days?

16. Your number one stress in life is asking the boss for yet another day off work.
You don’t even want to think about how many days you’ve taken off already.

17. Your extended family thinks you don't love them.
“But his travel team always plays on Thanksgiving, Mom. He can’t let the team down.”

18. You're on a first-name basis with several umpires.
OMG, am I really at the tournaments that much???

19. The last time you took a non-baseball vacation, your kids were in diapers.
At least you have a few photos of vacations that are not at a baseball tournament, even if they’re from six years ago.

20. Your remodel projects are a distant memory.
Updated kitchens and bathrooms are so overrated anyway, am I right?

Well I can really relate to this post although it wasn’t baseball but rugby with my son. We do what we can to support our children so I don’t regret any of it but I do remember closing my eyes one evening and I was back ion the field coaching !
I loved the tan lines on the feet ! Had that really happened?
Hi Darren. This stuff can apply to so many types of sports parents and just parents in general. Thanks for reading! 🙂
This whole article from just reading the title to diving in just made me laugh because not only is it true but plenty of people can fit in this scenario. All of the signs you mentioned are sure giveaways for someone who potentially spends too much time there for sure. I also love how witty this was written in response to the subheadings as well. Great read I hope to see more that’ll make me laugh like this!
Thanks so much Ryan! I appreciate that. 🙂
Well, It’s not baseball at our house, it’s soccer. Soccer soccer soccer all year round indoor and outdoor and yes I can relate.
My vacation I pick in advance of the next year is always to accommodate soccer games and road trips.
This is a good list and makes me want summer again
Hi Stew. I think these can apply to all sports parents. 🙂
I LOVE your sense of humor. I was never one of those parents but I know people who have worn out their vehicles running their kids to sports event. Now a days some of the events are so far away for the rural communities I can so see how some of this stuff could happen! Great to see the humor! Keep it up!
Thanks Susan, I’m glad to enjoyed it. 🙂